06/12/1964 - 07/11/2024
Service Date: 07/27/2024
Service Time: 5:00PM Reception to follow 6-8PM
Service Location: Gilbert Memorial Park
Visitation Date: 07/27/2024
Visitation Time: 3-5PM
Visitation Location: Gilbert Memorial Park



Siempre serás aquel capaz de ponerle una sonrisa en la cara a todos con solo recordar algún momento compartido contigo.

Aquel que con su carisma fue capaz de cautivar a los que te rodeaban.

Aquel que siempre construía esquemas rotos y ponía las metas más lejos.

Aquel que daba la talla aunque las situaciones le queden grandes.

Aquel que por su corazón hermoso, confiaba en la gente y siempre estuvo dispuesto a ayudar a todos.

Siempre serás el adiós más doloroso y siempre serás el recuerdo más preciado.


~Janeth Eguez~


  • David J Perez

    A great mentor and a great friend. My deepest condolences to the Eguez family.

    • Nico & Christina Leipold

      The news that Luis has passed away hit us in the heart. We would like to send you our sincere sympathy and deepest condolences.
      Words can hardly express the bewilderment and regret we feel. We are with you in this difficult time of mourning and we will miss him very much.
      Christina & Nico

      I personally will always carry the 15 years of friendship in my heart and always remember it! I will miss very much my Bro Luis.
      When the sun of life sets. The stars of memory light up.
      Luis my friend all the best on your last journey, heaven is lucky to have you as a great friend.

  • Martins family

    Our condolences for Eguez family

  • A charismatic man whose jokes and personality were enough to inspire others. You will be missed like no other. Such a hard worker, great leader and above all an awesome friend. I will miss you!

  • Gabriela Coello

    Los abrazo fuerte a todos especialmente a ti Janecita llena de amor compañía y compromiso con tu esposo, llenos los dos de tanto amor! Te abrazo con mi corazón . Luis te quiero muchísimo siempre te voy a extrañar amigo de mi corazón


    Luis amigo de infancia y después mi sobrino, solo puedo recordar cosas buenas de ti, fuiste un gran amigo y un buen esposo, descansa en paz.

  • Gerald & Debbie Allen

    Luis was a great individual with a big loving heart. Luis loved his family and you could feel his loving spirit when you came into contact with him. We are going to miss Luis however, he will always be in our heart.
    Our condolences are extended to Natalie and the Eguez family.

  • You pushed me farther and motivated me to do everything I’m capable of. Thank you for being an amazing mentor and friend. Rest easy, now, you have earned it. Much love, Louie.

  • Getting to know Luis was such a joy. A great and caring relationship was developed in such a short time. He was truly a good friend. Even when I moved away, we kept in contact. I can truly so I will miss him very much!! Janeth, I love you will continue to pray GOD’s peace upon you!!

  • Louie was definitely one of a kind. It was a pleasure to work with and for him. His presence and kind heart was like no other. Such a blessing to have known him and to consider him a friend. Rest easy Louie you will never be forgotten.

  • Mitch Williams

    I’m so grateful to have met Louie, he was like a father figure to me and forsure a role model for me. Thanks for all the love I’ll never forget it, you inspired me so much, I’ll always be thinking of you Lou. Always.

  • Yaskara Chedraui

    Janecita, sintiendo mucho te acompaño e tu dolor. QEPD. Un abrazo.

  • Leslie & Dave Dytrt

    Louie was an incredible man and a great friend. He loved his family and he loved his friends. He was the kind of person who would give you the shirt off his back if you were cold, or he would buy you a meal if you were hungry, he didn’t care who you were. His kindness and selflessness never waivered, even when he became very ill. We love him and we are going to miss him very much.

  • Louie had such a vibrant personality. We worked together for years and he loved his co-workers and his team that worked for him. He was a great leader inspiring the best from others. He will be missed and may he rest in peace. Love you brother!!

  • Aunque es muy difícil de aceptar, ahora me toca despedirme de mi amigo de viaje, de trabajo y sobre todo de “mi hermano” Luis siempre fue generoso, amable y cariñoso con todos los que le rodeaban, te extrañaremos mijo. Gracias por esos momentos que pasamos juntos. Mi familia y yo siempre te llevaremos en nuestros corazones.

  • William Leonard

    Luis was special. A kind soul, and so forgiving. He truly touched many people and shared the love. He was taken too soon but leaves a legacy with each of us in his own way. You were one of the good guys, God bless you, Luis.

  • Al mas valiente , que nos enseñó aferrarnos a la vida con todas las fuerzas , lo vamos a extrañar mucho gracias por las risas y los lindos recuerdos ! Espero que ya estén divirtiéndose mucho con mi papi y nos cuiden mucho, lo amo mucho ♥️ nunca me voy a cansar de agradecerle querida Jeanette por cuidarlo tanto y por su corazón de oro la queremos mucho ♥️

  • Scott Garrett

    30 years my friend, what an amazing journey we had together! Rest in peace my friend and know you will be missed.

  • Max Rafael Coronel intriago

    Luis Alberto mi amigo mi hermano crecimos juntos en el barrio centenario y colegio grandes recuerdos que ya no podemos compartir de ya mas de 45 años atrás
    Agradezco a Dios haberme permitido tu amistad
    Ahora estas en su Gloria
    Solo te adelantaste un poco

  • Amigo, cuñado y hermano nos vas a hacer mucha falta, siempre te recordaremos por el hombre que fuiste, mil gracias por cuidar de mi familia.

  • Miriam Rodriguez

    Mis más sinceras condolencias.
    Siempre se te recordará con mucho cariño ,fuiste buen amigo ,supervisor y una gran personas con muchas metas buenas ,vuela ,vuela ,muy alto ,descansa en paz.

  • Alex Vizcarra

    Luis my friend like a brother 29 years of knowing this special person and a great listener. He motivated like no other with his kind and sometimes harsh words to get you going but truly a great mentor. You will be deeply missed. My condolences to his wife, kids and family. We embark in a journey without you Luis until we meet again.

  • Tío te extraño demasiado y de verdad quisiera verte una vez más aunque no pueda, te amo, ojalá encontrarnos una vez más

  • Mis condolencias a la familia…
    Don Louis fue un excelente ser humano y un gran ejemplo de liderazgo, un muy buen supervisor gracias por sus enseñanzas…
    El señor te ha acogido en sus brazos y te dará la gloria eterna..

  • Louie,
    We worked together for a short time, we hardly seen each other because our shifts were different. When you and I saw each other, we joked, you pulled me aside many times to give me advice. I thank you for them times. I know you meant well! Rest Easy ????
    My condolences to the rest of the Eguez Family.

  • My deepest condolences to the family. May he rest peacefully.

  • Louie was such a big part of my life. My wife was close friends with him, my kids knew he was a brother to me, and my entire family welcomed him. I will always be grateful to have had him in life even if it wasn’t for as long as I would have wanted. Just gone too early. Thanks for all the memories.
    Love you bro,
    Marco and Veronica Onofre

  • Daniela Sánchez

    Louie was such an amazing person. It was truly an honor knowing. I will always be thankful for his mentorship. He will be missed.

  • I love you Louie. Stay strong my brother. I try to find peace and pray that Janeth can as well in knowing that you are doing better than the rest of us now. Its now time for you to rest painlessly, free of all of the silly, worldly worries that plague us all as we navigate this life on earth. I know that you have been enlightened and do not envy us down here. I want to say thank you Louie, and I appreciate all of the influence youve had on me becoming the man that i am. You have successfully lived a life fulfilled by the impact that you have had on those around you. Until we cross paths again, i know that you will be up there talking your smack! I love you compadre. ????????

  • Lamento mucho esta gran pérdida, un hombre ejemplar que supo solo dar amor a mi gran amiga Janeth, espero que Dios le de mucha fortaleza y serenidad en estos tiempos de dolor… mis más sentidas condolencias espero poder abrazarte en persona muy pronto amiga de mi alma ♥️♥️

  • Miki and Kammy

    Louie was a very special person. So humble,caring and loving he was a friend and father to us. We’re grateful to have had him in our lives, we’re going to miss you so much. We love you.

  • Rocío Beatriz Quezada Pazmiño

    Querido Luis, fuiste una bendición en la vida de Janecita, Romina y José Javier, gracias por todo el amor y cuidado que les diste, ya estás al lado de Dios gozando de su paz, fuiste un ser maravilloso y nunca te vamos a olvidar.

  • The LaVoie family

    You will be sorely missed. You were the best friend/ dad ever! We love you and thank you for all you have done for us! I learned so much from you even when it was a hard lesson. You always supported everyone! And I know you’ll always be watching over all of us!
    Love you.
    Janeth and family we’re here for you. Love you all.

  • We’ll all miss you. You were and amazing friend and supporter. Thankful to have had you as part of my life. You’ll truly be missed.


    Querida Janecita, mi más sentido pésame, te mando un fuerte abrazo a la distancia mucha fuerza y fortaleza, TQM.

  • Louie was a very special person. So humble,caring and loving he was a friend and father to us. We’re grateful to have had him in our lives, we’re going to miss you so much. We love you.

  • Juan Carlos Arce

    Janecita te mando un abrazo grande para ti y tu familia…sentidas condolencias, que Dios lo reciba en su brazos…

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