03/21/1992 - 09/21/2023
Service Date: 10/14/2023
Service Time: 11:00AM
Service Location: Gilbert Memorial Park

Kayla was born in Portland, Oregon and moved to Arizona when she was three years of age.  She went to school in the Gilbert Public Schools and ended up homeschooling her senior year due to autoimmune difficulties.  She worked for her dad as an emergency call operator, eventually received her Certified Nursing Assistant and in her final years, had started her own personal cleaning services.

Preceded in death were her maternal grandparents, Ray (Evelyn) and Idella; her paternal grandmother, Donna.

She is survived by her daughter, Joelle; her parents, Todd and Kim; her sister, Angela and her son, Logan; her brother, Colton, his wife, Madelynn, and their two children, Jameson and Marigold; Paternal Grandfather, Chuck; eleven aunts/uncles and their beautiful families.

The greatest joy of Kayla’s life was her beautiful daughter.  They would spend hours together making crafts, playing games, shopping, shopping and shopping (did we say shopping?).  They loved cuddle time, outings, a good roller coaster ride and very frequent “just a couple of girls” pampering times.

Kayla was a very vivacious woman.  She could light up a room with her smile and had a huge sense of humor. She was an accomplished prankster and her father was her relentless target. She made sure to teach her daughter the art of “prankstership”. She loved family and friends’ gatherings and the joy and laughter those memories created.

Her love for horses was intense, whether it was a beautiful trail ride in the desert mountains or jumping fences.  The peace of simply spending time with her horses (Girly and Convoy) was very therapeutic to her.  Unfortunately, that was cut short due to joint pain and she shifted her energy into the kitchen, learning new recipes, baking pies and cupcakes.

Kayla loved the Lord and He was her refuge.  She will forever remain in our hearts and we look forward to reuniting one day in Heaven.

“Save a place for me – we’ll see you soon”


  • Uncle Scott and Aunt Deb McLain

    We are sad that Kayla had to leave so soon. We are comforted by her faith in God and in knowing that she is with Him now. She had such a sweet and kind heart. We will always remember her and grieve for what could have been in coming years for her and Joelle, the love of her life.

  • A beautiful tribute to a beautiful person. Every memory I have of Kayla includes a smile. So many good memories.

  • Rachel Grant (cousin)

    I was devastated to hear of Kayla’s passing and my heart aches for you all. I’ve been flooded with memories of my times with Kayla and her bright light. She was such a beautiful person inside and out; always smiling and laughing…she was magnetic, compassionate, and caring. She was younger than me, but I always envied her wished I could be more like her! Fearless and confident—loved by everyone.

    I picture her now in a bright, white healing glow with her big gorgeous smile and flowing locks of hair surrounding her face…watching over and sending her love from heaven to Joelle, Todd, Kim, Angela, Colton and their families.

    Kayla you’ve gone too soon. You are loved and missed. Rest in peace sweet girl.

  • Kayla has always had a special place in my heart.
    I will miss her terribly. She was such a beautiful, kind and caring person and she loved her daughter more than anything.
    I have so many fond memories of her. She always loved riding horses. She was a natural. My daughter Christina was a few years younger than her and took lessons from her mother, Kim. I met her when she only eleven years old and had the privilege of watching her grow and mature into a beautiful young woman.
    I remember being at her baby shower and how excited she was to be a mother. She couldn’t wait for the day that Joelle was born.
    She will always have a place in my heart. I take comfort in knowing one day we will meet again.

  • Mike and Melissa (cousin)

    So sad of her passing!! She was a bright light! She will be missed greatly and our hearts and prayers go out to Todd, Kim, Joelle, Colton, Angela, and families!!

  • Becky Marie Ziegler

    I just want to say, my niece Kayla had the most beautiful eyes and smile. They sure got my attention. Kayla sparkled where ever she went, if she was smiling, you were smiling!
    My most fun memory of Kayla, was in 2009 my family and I went to Arizona for Christmas. Our Christmas present to our children, and Todd, Kim, Colton and Kayla, was a trip to Disneyland, (Universal Studios). My kids did not believe me, when I told them that, but we all left at 4:00 am from Phoenix, and arrived in California. My kids and I will never forget that trip, because Kayla made it fun. She had to use a wheelchair, due to her autoimmune disease, but the best part of that was , we all helped push her around to various rides and parks, and she got to go straight to the front of the line, every time. and we did too. It was a blast, and because of you, KAYLA, we developed the fondest memory for our vacation. Thank you then, and thank you know for being a part of our lives. We love you, and your family, and little girl Joelle, we all will see you soon, and be together up in heaven, riding on God’s fun rides. I love you Kim, Todd, Colton, Angela, and Joelle, prayers always!
    Becky Ziegler (Favorite Aunt)!

  • Logan Mekelburg

    I am Kayla’s nephew, and have no other words to say other than I’m grateful that she was in all of our lives, and I got to spend a lot of quality time with her. I will miss her a ton but I’m glad she was in my life, prayers to everyone, love and condolences ??️

  • Angela (sister)

    To my sister…
    Your crystal blue eyes and laugh will always hold a special place in my heart. The song Sisters from the movie White Christmas, along with the famous line “Mutual I’m sure.” will continue to make me think of you. Mom just LOVED us repeating “mutual I’m sure” to her over and over again.

    Joelle is a mini you…you both can bring stories to life with your expressiveness and enthusiasm. It’s as if I was right there with you in those moments.

    And for the record, no one can bake a PB cookie like you.

    Love you very much.

  • Today on my walk (with GOD), the LORD had shown me two birds that flew as one. They masked each other’s flight patterns, i.e. how they flew together. This was for a moment before the bird ‘separated’ into two birds. I felt God was telling me, much like He spoke to my uncle, who had been told by the LORD, that Kayla’s Spirit was with the LORD now. I too believe God was telling me, the body and soul have been separated. Kayla is now free as a bird.

    “Give thanks to the Lord, tell his name, make known his deeds among the peoples.” (Psalm 104:1)

  • Paula Yelsey (formerly Sosin)

    Kayla, how hard it is to accept that you are not here. We always told each other that we would be friends for life and we were. I met you and your mom at a conference many years ago and instantly, we were pretty inseparable, which says a lot given you lived in Arizona and I live in NYC. After we left that conference, you became one of my best friends, my supporter, and a person I could talk to about my proud moments or the pain my body was experiencing that was outside of my control. You understood that pain because we both shared an autoimmune disease which taught us that everyday was both a fight and a blessing. You knew what made me laugh, you saw beauty in the smallest of things, and you understood how important it was to view life with positivity, especially because in our discovery with coping with the pain from our disease, stress made it worse.

    You always wowed me by your beauty and your smile that would light up the room. This even translated over the phone, if that was our only way to communicate.

    I had one of the best trips of a lifetime when I was able to visit you when your daughter was just a baby and enjoyed the sweetest of cuddles with your gorgeous beauty, Joelle. She brought the epitome of joy. After that trip, I was proud to see Joelle grow and develop her own personality that mimicked what I always loved about my friend, Kayla, and into the beautiful young girl that she is. I hope to continue to let that relationship live on. Joelle, always know that Paula is just a phone call away and very proud of you.

    Kayla, I will miss our late night texting, our phone calls that would last hours, our giggling over the goofy happenings of the day, and sharing photos of our newest crafts we created.

    I find solace in knowing that you are no longer in pain. And I will always hold onto the memories of the beautiful friendship we had. I’m sincerely grateful for that gift.

  • Anne and Richard Miller

    We were so very sad to hear of Kayla’s passing. We have such fond memories of Kayla as a child when the Novicky family were our dear neighbors. Although we only saw her sporadically in these last years we were always impressed at the beautiful and confident young woman she had become, and we were particularly pleased that she had made huge strides in overcoming her medical issues. Our hearts go out to her family, and particularly Joelle.

  • Laurel Coughlin

    Todd and Kim, Kayla was remembered in prayers this morning during our worship service at Gilbert Presbyterian Church. I recognized the last name and did a search to find that she is your daughter. A very long time ago you were our neighbors when the Kayla and Colton were little. I am so very sorry in the loss of your beautiful Kayla. My prayers are with you and your family. May she rest peacefully in the arms of our Lord.

  • Kayla, I will never forget your generous gift of helping me when I had
    an episode of shingles. You came to my house, fully equipped with essential oils to help the condition. I was so impressed with your spirit of nurture and kindness that I felt very loved. You even researched about the condition and hand wrote a list of information for me. This was not just some minor notes, it was almost like a thesis on shingles and how to care for yourself during an episode. You were like an angel that was teaching me and helping me. I still have what you gave me and every time I see it, I feel your love. I am forever grateful that you took the time to equip me with information and assist me in recovery.
    I know where you are now, and I will see you there when it is my time to be there. I love you very much and will be forever reminded of you.

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