10/03/1970 - 05/22/2022

Damian “Damo” O’Brien, 51, passed away May 22, 2022 in Queen Creek, Arizona. He was born October 3, 1970 in England, his family later moved to Ireland. He worked for Intel as an Electrical/Design Engineer. He enjoyed music and playing games. He was good man; the best husband and an amazing dad with 2 beautiful daughters, 13 & 10 years old. He is survived by his wife Ann O’Brien and his daughters, as well as his mother, father, and sister in Ireland.


  • Damian..A true gentleman. A thorough professional, A person of empathy, kindness and a lovely nature. It was a pleasure to know you, work with you, attend your wedding and have great food and time with you and Ann in Limerick and meeting your girls a few years back. We are very saddened to hear of your suffering and hope you are at peace. We are thinking of Ann and the girls right now and your loving family in Cork and all your friends worldwide

    Joe Robbins

  • We truly enjoyed our time playing STFC with “chuch”. He was a valued team member and always upbeat. We are truly sorry and he will be missed.

  • Sorry for your loss. I worked with Damo at Intel and he was more than a co-worker. He told me all about Cork Ireland and we shared more than a few happy hours
    He was a good man and will be missed.

  • We are so very sorry for your sadness. He was an excellent man and husband and father.

  • Nitiya Nasongkhla

    May God be with your family for this time. Rest peacefully in heaven, Damian.

  • Hi Darling
    You are my best man, fantastic husband , you always taking good care of me and the girls
    Thank you for everything you did and plan for us , don’t worry about anything , I promise I will be strong for our family and the girls , I am so lucky to found you and we have been together for 16 years

  • James Cooley aka “killerbob”

    I enjoyed playing online with you bud. My heart broke as you shared how sick you were getting. I wish I could have met you in real life. I think we would have been good friends. You have a beautiful family and a part of my heart goes with you brother. Be at peace my friend.

  • Dominic Gasbarro

    My sincere condolences to the O’Brian family. You are in our thoughts and prayers during this time of grief. Damian was a wonderful soul who will be deeply missed by all who know him. He touched my life and the lives of everyone he met in the most joyous and loving way. Rest in peace my friend.

  • Venktesh Kalyanaraman

    RIP Damo. It was really nice knowing you. I really cherished you as a friend and great colleague. Condolences and Prayers to your family.

  • Prsert Sihabong

    ขอแสดงความเสียใจด้วยนะคะ with love from all your friends in Ireland ??

  • I met “Chuch” on STFC. He was very proud of his heritage. He was a great guy. I’m so sorry to hear of his loss.

  • Chris Holland

    My condolences to the family. I absolutely loved working with Damo over the years, and more importantly I enjoyed talking with him on a personal level. He was always good for a laugh and sharing life experiences. He touched my life and will be deeply missed. Rest in Peace.

  • Mary O'Callaghan


    May you rest in peace my friend. My heart is broken. Thank you for your wonderful friendship throughout the years.
    My sincerest condolences Ann, Nease and Enya

    This verse says it better than I could…

    They say there is a reason,
    “They say that time will heal,
    But neither time nor reason,
    Will change the way we feel.
    For no-one knows the heartache,
    That lies behind our smiles,
    No-one knows how many times,
    We have broken down and cried.
    Gone from home that smiling face,
    Those cheerful, happy ways,
    The heart that won so many friends,
    In bygone, Happy days.
    We want to tell you something,
    So there won’t be any doubt,
    You’re so wonderful to think of,
    But so hard to be without.
    We cannot bring the old days back.
    When we were all together,
    The family chain is broken now,
    But memories live forever.”

  • To the best person I’ve met,
    I’ll cherish the memories of you all my live. You are and will be alive in all of us you cared for, when any of those thoughts are recollected over and over. I love you my friend

  • Rik & Paula Dunphy

    Deepest condolences to Ann, Neasa, Enya. We were extremely fortunate to count Damian as our friend and will miss him dearly. May the happy and special memories you all made over the years together help you through this hard time.

  • I would like to offer my condolences to you and family.

  • Malay Trivedi

    Very sorry to hear the news about Damo. My cube was down the aisle from Damo at work. We often had lunch together and I thoroughly enjoyed his travel stories and insightful observations about work and life.
    My sincere condolences to the O’Brien family.

  • Shivesh Sabnekar

    RIP Damo, will cherish all those conversations we had during our walks at Intel campus, there was always something to learn from you. You were a great mate and I will miss you. I feel better that I was able to meet you couple of months back and was glad to see the same Damo, I had known at Intel. My condolences to Ann and the girls and pray that they have the strength to get through this period of grief. Farewell my friend!

  • Stephen and Mara Mobley

    Our condolences. Damien was a great man and friend. Always loved his stories of home. Let us know if you need anything.

  • It’s saddening to hear this. Rest in peace Damo. Though we’ve not been in touch for a while, I only have fond memories of my time in Ireland and US and your time in the east. A true gentleman.

  • Araya Prachumphan

    My Brothers in law,
    You’re very kind, happy and funny guy.
    You will be missed/ remembered forever.
    You will always still be with us no matter what.
    Our memories will be here.
    Rest in Pace

  • Damian has been my friend for 30+ years. We had some fun times together and has always been an inspiration to me. My condolences to his wife Ann, daughters Neasa, Enya, his parents John and Phil, and sister Tara and her family. I will miss him dearly.

  • Thank you for all your support and friendship we grew over the years. We had a lot of great times in games and in really life and snacks we would eat. A true drinking buddy! I will always remember the times we had together you Irish Samurai! Lol My family’s condolences to your family and Rest In Peace my man.

  • Urai (gem) Greig

    ?I’m thinking of you and you kids. Sending hugs and love ❤️

  • Shivesh Sabnekar

    May you Rest In Peace now Damo. I will always cherish the conversations we had during the lunch time walks around Intel campus, there was always something to learn from you. I will miss those conversations and you!…I feel better that I was able to meet you couple of months back, and was glad to see the same enthusiasm and energy in you that I knew. My condolences to Ann and the girls, pray that they have the strength to come through this period of grief. Farewell my friend!

  • Eric and Pontip Muncy

    Damian you will be missed by all who knew you. Much love to you and your family. Our deepest condolences may god bless and keep your family until we meet again.

  • Chris​ Cunningham

    Rest in peace Damian. Your family and friends will always be with you.

  • Mary O'Callaghan

    May you rest in peace Damo – “A light is from our friendship gone, A voice we loved is still, A place is vacant in our hearts, That never can be filled”
    My sincerest sympathy to Ann, Neasa, Enya and Tara

  • Vellu Mahadevan

    So saddened to hear of the passing of this wonderful gentleman. You will forever be missed Damo. Will always fondly remember and cherish the good times during my visits to the US and Ireland and your visits to the East.

  • My sincere Condolences to O’Brian family.

  • Araya Prachumphan

    To…Brother in law’s
    You’re very kind happy and funny guy.
    You will always be with us no matter what. You will be missed/ remembered forever. RIP

  • Ajay Jagarlamudi

    Damo is a great mentor and colleague. I’m going to miss friendly and funny conversations with him. Rest in peace Damo.

  • Som Whiteaker

    Goodbye Damian. You were taken too soon. May you Rest In Peace.

  • Niall McDonnell

    Damo, hard to believe you are gone. We will all miss you. You were a great friend over the last 20 years, we had some great times together. Visits to Chandler will never be the same. Life is too short and yours was certainly so. Rest in peace, my friend.

  • I have known Damo for 30+ years. We shared some great adventures together. He was a great friend to me and I will miss him. RIP Damo. My condolences to his wife Ann, daughters Neasa, Enya, his parents John, Phil, his sister Tara and family and to other family members, and friends.

  • To Ann and family,I am very sad for this unexpected news. I did not have a chance to meet Damo and I was very happy for you to spend your valuable time raising your family with beautiful daughters together. Life is full of expectations and we have to live through it. My heart goes to you and the girls during this touch time.

  • Brian, Claire, Eamonn & Caroline Will

    Ann, Neasa & Enya, our sincere condolences. Damian was a good friend and wonderful person. We had known each other through many years and countries and he was always an amazing man for bringing people together in fun and celebration. He will always be remembered and sorely missed, Rest in Peace Damo.

  • Martin McGovern

    Damian my friend of more than 30 years. What a laugh we had. Many a night out in Cork, Limerick and Phoenix where we boozed the night away. My deepest sympathies to Ann, Neasa and Enya on their loss. His parents John and Phil and his sister Tara will miss him.
    May he rest in peace.

  • Sincere condolences to the O’Brian family. Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this sad time. Damian was a wonderful Person.
    Frank and Eileen Twohig

  • Condolences to Ann and family. Damian was a true gentleman and it was always great fun to catch up with Damo on visits to Chandler. Rest in peace Damian.

  • James Mitchell

    My deepest condolences to Damo’s family and loved ones. I had a great pleasure to get to work with Damo for many years, he was a true professional and I enjoyed having lunch and sharing stories with him. Rest in Peace Damo.

  • Dave & Phyl Will

    Our sincere condolences Ann, Neasa, Enya and the O’Brien family. Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this time of great sorrow. Damian was a wonderful, fun, interesting man. He will be missed by all who knew him. We were privileged to have met him on a number of occasions. Rest in Peace Damian.

  • Maureen Toomey

    I’m shocked and so sad to hear of Damian’s untimely passing. My sincere sympathies to all of your family and friends – will keep them all in my thoughts and prayers at this very difficult time. I worked with you in Intel Shannon and you were a true gentleman and great work colleague. We had many laughs back then. May you rest in peace.

  • David R Smith

    Condolences to the O’Brien family. Damo was a kind soul.

  • Joan McGuire Noel McGuire

    Damien was our nephew. We offer our sincere condolences to his wife Ann and his two daughters Neasa and Enya. Damien’s pain is over and he is safe in the arms of the Lord for evermore. We will miss him immensely. We hope this small contribution will show you how much he will be missed

  • Joan and Noel McGuire have

    Rest in peace Amen

  • Joan. McGuire

    Damien was my nephew. I shall miss him terribly.He is in a better place where is without pain in his place in heaven. Condolences Ann, Neass and. enyaHis mum Phil and. Father John and sister Tara . may he test in peace

  • I was shocked and saddened to hear the news of Damo’s untimely passing. My thoughts are with Ann, Neasa and Enya at this most difficult time and also Damo’s family in Ireland. RIP Damian

  • I am truly sorry to hear that and sincere condolence to O’Brien family. Although I may not know him personally, but I can feel that he is surely a good father as I have opportunity teaching his kids. They are all very lovely kids. Also he is a good husband as his wife are always full of smile and happiness every time that I met. I do believe that Ann will be strong and take care of her kids very well. He will be happy whenever he look back from heaven.

  • Giusy, Marco and Michael

    Our deepest condolences to Ann, Neasa, Enya, Phil, John, Tara , Gearoid and extended family .We are deeply sorry to hear about the passing of Damian. He was a great and kind friend to us – a wonderful man. Thinking of you during this difficult time. May all your wonderful memories comfort you during this heart-breaking time. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

  • Gopi, New India Gate

    Our sincere condolences to O’Brien Family. His family would come often together to dine at my restaurant. He was such a Good-spirit.
    Rest In Peace Damian.

  • My condolences to the O’Brien family.
    I had the pleasure of working with Damo at Intel for the past 12 years or so.
    For the past 4 years or so, my cube was right across the aisle from his. We talked regularly. It was great to be able to have random conversations with Damo about all kinds of topics.
    We went to lunches here and there and had regular walks around the Intel campus.
    He was a great friend. He will truly be missed.

  • So shocked and saddened to hear of Damo’s untimely passing. He was a real gent and always the first person to come say Hi and welcome me on my visits to Chandler. We enjoyed some nice green pints on an extended St. Patrick’s lunch on my last visit 🙂 Sincere condolences to Damo’s wife, kids and wider family at this difficult time. May he RIP.

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