04/29/2015 - 10/23/2024
Service Date: 11/02/2024
Service Time: 11:00 AM
Service Location: Mesa AZ Red Mountain LDS Institute 7126 E McKellips Rd, Mesa, AZ 85207
Visitation Date: 11/01/2024
Visitation Time: 6:00PM - 9:00PM
Visitation Location: Gilbert Memorial Park 2100 E. Queen Creek Rd. Gilbert, AZ 85297
Interment: Mariposa Gardens Memorial Park 6747 E Broadway Rd, Mesa, AZ 85206

Tate Farrel Porter, 9 years old, was called home on 10/23/2024.

Tate was pure and tender and kind and known for his amazing hugs.  Tate had the most genuine smile, beautiful green eyes, and the perfect amount of freckles across his nose and cheeks.  Tate loves his people and has fiercely supported his Dad, Mom, brother and sisters through the challenges their family has faced together.  Baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints by his daddy, Ty, in 2023, Tate never missed an opportunity to bare his testimony of Jesus Christ (sometimes he even used words).  Tate was especially certain of our Heavenly Father’s love for us.  We know Tate and Evie are together, cherished by Him.

Tates favorite time with his mother Dani was “mommy snuggles” and he could put her to sleep with just his pinky finger down the bridge of her nose.  One of Tate’s most endearing qualities is his inquisitive mind, “I have a question” often preceded a lengthy discussion on whatever had most recently caught his attention.  Tate is a great friend but didn’t limit his social circle to kids, he went out of his way to make friends with adults because they could answer his questions better.  Imagine Dragons was Tate’s favorite band, and he got to go to his first concert with his dad just a few weeks ago.

Tate loved to build things, make projects out of paper, and he wrote awesome stories from his pure imagination.  Tate loved all living creatures, even the crawly and slimy ones.  He was the king of random facts that he would happily share.  “Did you know spider monkeys don’t have thumbs?”  Tate’s adored pets, Shelleden and Pixel were the beneficiaries of Tate’s extensive hermit crab research and fed a variety of foods with snacks for special occasions.  Tate constructed tunnels for them to crawl through so they wouldn’t get bored.

Tate loved to play football and rocked as a Center and Pass Rusher.   His most recent team was the Giants, but Tate was blessed to have played ball with the same group of friends since age 6.  Tate had really hit his stride this last season with some amazing and well-celebrated performances.  Tate worked hard with his dad and coach, Ty, and with his adored sister, Evie to improve his skills.   Tates greatest joy would be going on adventures and making memories with his family.

Tate is survived by his loving parents, Ty Farrel Porter and Danielle Joan Hancock Porter, his best buddy brother Mack Douglas, and big sister Joslyn Mae.  Great Grandparents, Grandparents, multitudes of Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, and countless friends, teammates, classmates, and teachers will miss Tate so much.

Thanks for blessing us with your gentle soul, Taters.  We love you BIG BIG.

The service may be viewed at the following link: https://bit.ly/HonoringEvieandTate


  • I’m so sorry for your loss! I have no words to make the pain of missing your two angels go away….I didn’t know your kids but Mack is in my grandson Syas Tratto’s Class at Pathfinder. Tate is in my grandsons Easton’s Tratto’s class. My grandsons and Daughter Soleil have nothing but fantastic things to say about your littles!!! Evie is looking after her little brother. Prayers for you and your family and stay strong!!!!!❤️❤️❤️

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